Why Buy Teethers Made in the USA?

Why Buy Teethers Made in the USA?

Why Buy Teethers Made in the USA?

Wondering what makes made in USA teethers better than those made in China?  We exclusively manufacture here in the US for a couple different reasons, some related to safety, some moral.  


Did you know that Amazon does not require any safety documentation upfront when people start selling baby teethers?  This means that literally anything (like the chemicals found in this study) can be in the teethers you buy from online retailers like Amazon and others.  Look around at most all teethers and they state things like - BPA Free, FDA approved, etc.  But these taglines mean absolutely nothing without testing to back up these claims.  We always test every single product using 3rd party labs right here in the USA to verify that our products meet all guidelines and standards and are safe for your children.  

Have you ever looked into how most teethers made in China are manufactured?  This video shows the process of how some are made.  This process is called compression molding and is the way most of the teethers that are sold today are made. 

Not all silicones are created equal and this method uses peroxide cured silicone that can produce some nasty by products, including the characteristic white powder you sometimes find on silicone products.  Our teethers are made using injection molding and platinum cured silicone.  This is more expensive for use to do, but we feel that the benefits far outweigh the costs. 

If you want to know if your teethers are made using cheap silicone that potentially has fillers, then try the pinch test on them.  If you pinch a silicone product and it turns white, it most likely has fillers in it.


Ethical Standards

As a small family business we hold strong to our morals and values. One of our core values is making products using manufacturers here in the USA who provide good jobs in safe working conditions. 

You absolutely cannot say the same for companies that manufacture overseas.  Take a look at the news recently and you will see who may be making the goods that you buy from China.  Slave labor is a huge problem overseas, especially in China and even if it is not actual slave labor, working conditions in most factories is poor at best in many factories and sometimes downright horrible. 

The primary reason most every baby teether is made in China is simply a matter of money.  Companies don't want to pay living wages because that affects their bottom line.  We refuse to participate in supporting this industry and will only ever manufacture our products here in the USA, regardless of the impact to our bottom line.

Big Picture

Buying products made here in the USA can be tough to do sometimes; they are sometimes more expensive or harder to find.  But to a lot of parents, its something that is worth doing, both to find the safest products that are going into their babies mouths, and to try and support manufacturers that pay living wages.